TCP-Group Digest Wed, 26 Sep 90 Volume 90 : Issue 149 Today's Topics: 2m duplexer needed Attaching a DRSI card Can anyone help this guy? COSMAC 1802 help needed Send Replies or notes for publication to: . Subscription requests to . Problems you can't solve otherwise to Archives of past issues of the TCP-Group Digest are available (by FTP only) from UCSD.Edu in directory "mailarchives". ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 07:52:43 mdt From: Bdale Garbee Subject: 2m duplexer needed To: We're very close to putting a 2m full duplex digital repeater on the air "on a mountain to the west of Colorado Springs". Should be loads of fun, except the set of cans promised turn out to either not exist or be in use somewhere else, it's not very clear to me which is the case. And we've got maybe 4 weeks until snow closes our access to the site. I apologize for putting this request on the list, which clearly has wider distribution than is useful... but... Does anyone have a set of 2m cans sitting around that you'd like some quick cash for? We don't have time to get a new set out of any of the vendors... Bdale 719 590 2868 at work ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 17:23:37 EDT From: (Bob Applegate) Subject: Attaching a DRSI card To: Okay, I give up. How do I attach a DRSI type-1 card to NOS? I want to use the built-in 1200 baud modem as ax1. This is the command line I tried: attach drsi 0x300 7 ax25 ax1 2048 256 1200 As soon as NOS gets the line, it spits back "Divide Error" and retreats to the DOS prompt, where the system soon hangs. I've already checked for things like conflicting interrupts/IO spaces (same thing happens when only my disk controller and video board are installed). The board is running exactly the way it was delivered, and I've checked the config jumpers to make sure they agree with the manual. Someone out there MUST be using this card, so what am I doing wrong? Bob, wa2zzx ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 19:05:16 EDT From: (Jim Grubs) Subject: Can anyone help this guy? To: (24) Mon 17 Sep 90 2:34p Rcvd: Tue 25 Sep 6:42p By: Jonathan Marsden, FEBnet Reading (2:252/124) To: Jim Grubs Re: UFgate/Frodo St: Pvt Kill Rcvd Reply in 25 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ @INTL 1:234/1 2:252/124 @MSGID: 2:252/124 26f54360 Jim, JG>I'm running UFG_103 with FD and TS. What do you need to know? I'll JG>netmail my batch files and see if they give you any ideas. JG> * Origin: (1:234/1) Are you running some kind of packet radio gateway via UFgate? Is W8GRT your callsign? I'm interested because there is a possibility I'll be wanting to do this (using commercial radio not ham) in Manila, Philippines. I'm considering using the DRSI PC*Packet adapter. This is for a Christian charitable organization. If you know of a good way to gate packet radio mail to a FidoNet (*.msg) messagebase, I'd love to hear more (esp if it's free software)! Thanks, Jonathan @Via MsgTrack 2:252/1000@fidonet, Tue Sep 18 1990 at 06:3 @Via MsgTrack 2:512/0@fidonet, Sat Sep 22 1990 at 16:13 UTC @Via FrontDoor 2:512/, Sep 22 1990 at 21:54 @Via MsgTrack+ 1:163/115@fidonet, Sat Sep 22 1990 at 20:13 UTC @Via TosScan 1:163/115.0, Sep 22 1990 at 20:14 @Via MsgTrack 1:13/13@fidonet, Sun Sep 23 1990 at 05:08 UTC @Via 1:13/13, Sep 23 00:08:39 (QM v1.23/b) @Via FrontDoor 1:226/5000, Sep 25 1990 at 18:41 {I'll get the answer(s) back to him.} -- |\/\/\/| | | Jim Grubs, W8GRT - aka FidoNet node 1:234/1 | (o)(o) UUCP: ...!ncar!asuvax!stjhmc!w8grt!jim.grubs | _) INTERNET: | ,___| ____________________________________________ | / "I wanna go to the ham radio National Park /____\ of the Mind and ride the NOS!" ------------------------------ Date: Tue, 25 Sep 90 15:29:40 EDT From: idacrd!mac@uunet.UU.NET (Robert McGwier) Subject: COSMAC 1802 help needed To: Howdy: I had such great luck recently with the help needed message for the RTX-2000 that I thought I would try again. I need a couple of COSMAC 1802's. I could also use whatever manuals you may have such as programmers and user reference manuals. The indigenous system I have for it is a variant of FORTH (called IPS by its designer, DJ4ZC). This chip was originally done by RCA. If you have some laying around and have development tools you aren't using, let me know. The COSMAC 1802 is in the integrated housekeeping unit (IHU or OBC = on board computer) in Oscar 10 and Oscar 13 and planned for Phase III D. Bob N4HY ------------------------------ End of TCP-Group Digest ******************************